Monday, August 12, 2013

Getting rid of the poop

I wish it was that easy. I didn't take into account that my sweet daughter would poop eventually.

Poop CAN NOT and SHOULD not go in your washing maching. Therefore how do you get rid of it before you wash the diaper? Sometimes its super easy. Just tip the diaper over the toilet and it rolls right off! Other times its not so easy. Sometimes you get the sticky, super gross kind. Ewww!

Dip and swish!
Sounds kinda like something from Harry potter... Anyway, you could dip the diaper into the toilet and swish it around until it is poop free. Or not! Gross, right?

Diaper Sprayer!
Have you heard of a diaper sprayer? Me neither! Fantastic invention because honestly, how many people want to dip and swish poopy diapers in the toilet? Over the toilet spray until the diaper is poop free.  Here are the sprayers I have found so far; one for $60, one for $55 and a DIY one for about $30 on Pinterest. Here is the link. I'm not sure which directions my husband is following, the you tube video she includes or the link to Gidget Goes Home but he has been to Lowes at least 4 times so far and the sprayer is still not installed. Oh well. Lord willing it will be installed by the end of the day because I have a poopy diaper sitting upstairs that needs to be rinsed.

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