Monday, August 12, 2013

Deciding to go cloth

So as I mentioned before we decided to go with cloth diapers because in the long run it saves you money. But that was as far as I got. I had no idea that there were so many different kinds of cloth diapers! I honestly thought there were MAYBE two or three different kinds. Boy was I wrong!

Normally I research something to death before I make a change in lifestyle. I had been thinking about making the switch for awhile but never got started on the research because I thought that the switch would be further down the road. Today is Monday and Saturday we ran out of disposable diapers. I am now doing some panicky research trying to figure out what everything is and how it works and what the heck all these acronyms mean! I have one, count 'em ONE friend who does cloth and she very kindly showed me all the different kinds that she has. She has been sending me links to information and adding me to groups on Facebook. She is being so patient with me as I send message after message of "is this a good deal?!?!" and "how does this work?!?!" and "what the heck does this mean?!?!" She took me to a store, RG Natural Babies, in a neighboring town Saturday to purchase some covers. They sell new and used diapers, among other things. I got two. I already had some prefolds at home because I used them to make some pretty burp rags for Little C when she was born. So Wa La! I am a cloth diapering Mama!

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